Publisher details
Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte Fachanwälte
Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Bahnhofstrasse 62
35390 Giessen
Tel.: +49 641 / 7964 0
Fax: +49 641 / 7964 400
Authorised partners:
Ernst W. Haas, Werner Otto, Uwe Hohn, Johannes Haas, Jochen Strauch, Jens Engelhardt, Katrin Jacobi, Christian Aktug, Michael Fiedler und Petra Fuchs
Person responsible for content under section 55(2) of the Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (RStV – Interstate broadcasting agreement):
Johannes Haas
Court of registration: District Court of Frankfurt am Main
Registration number: PR 2679
VAT identification number:
DE 112 646 501
Professional liability insurance:
Professional liability insurance is provided by VSW – Die Versicherergemeinschaft für Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer, Dotzheimer Strasse 23, 65185 Wiesbaden.
The physical scope of insurance covers at a minimum services in the member states of the European Union and meets, at a minimum, the requirements of section 51 of the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO – Federal lawyers act) and section 67 of the Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG – Tax consultancy act) in conjunction with sections 51 ff. of the Verordnung zur Durchführung der Vorschriften über Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften (DVStB – Implementing regulations of the tax consultancy act) and section 54 of the Wirtschaftsprüferordnung (WPO – Public accountant act) in conjunction with the Verordnung über die Berufshaftpflichtversicherung der Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigten Buchprüfer (WPBHV – Regulation on professional liability insurance for auditors and certified accountants).
All auditors at HAAS & HAAS Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte Fachanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB are authorised under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. They carry the legal professional designation of ‘auditor’ awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (Chamber of public accountants), which also acts as regulator;
Wirtschaftsprüferkammer, Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin.
The professional regulations governing auditors, in particular the Wirtschaftsprüferordnung (WPO), the Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer/vereidigte Buchprüfer (BS WP/vBP – Professional charter for professional accountants in public practice) and the Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle (Charter for quality assurance) can be found on the home page of the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer:
Tax advisers:
All tax advisers at Haas und Haas Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte Fachanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB are authorised under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. They carry the legal professional designation of ‘tax adviser’ awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Steuerberaterkammer Hessen (Hessen chamber of tax advisers), which also acts as regulator;
Steuerberaterkammer Hessen, Bleichstraße 1, 60313 Frankfurt am Main.
The professional regulations governing tax advisers – in particular the Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG), the Verordnung zur Durchführung der Vorschriften über Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften (DVStB), the Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer (BOStB – Professional rules and practice guidelines of the federal chamber of tax advisers), the Steuerberatergebührenverordnung (StGebV – Regulation on tax adviser fees) and the Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung (StBVV – Regulations on tax consultancy fees) – can be found on the home page of the Bundessteuerberaterkammer (Federal chamber of tax advisers):
All lawyers at Haas und Haas Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte Fachanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB are authorised under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. They carry the legal professional designation of ‘lawyer’ awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt am Main bar association), which also acts as regulator;
Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main.
The professional regulations governing lawyers – in particular the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO), the Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA – Professional code for lawyers), the Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG – Lawyer remuneration act), the Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO – Specialist lawyer regulation), the Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland (EuRAG – Activity of European lawyers in Germany act) and the Standesregeln der Rechtsanwälte in der Europäischen Union (Code of conduct of lawyers in the European Union – the CCBE Code of Conduct) can be found on the home page of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (Federal chamber of lawyers):
Online dispute resolution platform and consumer dispute resolution (Article 14(1) of the Regulation on consumer ODR and section 36 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters)
The European Commission provides an online platform for out-of-court dispute resolution, which can be found at
HAAS & HAAS does not take part in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer ombudsman and is not required by law to do so.